When you and your partner decide to go to couples’ therapy, you may wonder how long you will have to attend. It’s a fair question to ask. Unfortunately, however, the answer is not straightforward. It depends on many different factors related to your relationship.

Couples counseling is a process. You get out of it what you put into it, and you often do not see results immediately. Most couples make significant progress within two to four months, but every situation is different, and your results may vary. The following are a few of the factors that can make a difference to the duration of couples’ therapy.

1. Length of Time You Have Had Problems

On average, couples are in conflict for six years before they seek counseling. That’s a long time to let anger and resentment build up. Couples’ therapy can be effective for partners with a long history of issues. However, like many problems, the earlier you seek help, the easier your problems can be to resolve. If you wait a long time to seek help, the process might take longer.

2. Frequency of Appointments

Most therapists recommend weekly sessions of couples therapy. If you only go every two weeks, the process can take a lot longer. You may feel as though you are starting over every week and not building any momentum. The gains can be more difficult to recognize, and you may feel frustrated with the process.

Furthermore, you probably still need the same number of sessions. If you are only going to therapy half as often as is recommended, it stands to reason that the process can take longer.

3. Your Goals for Therapy

You should go into therapy with an idea of what you want to accomplish. A therapist can help guide you where you want to go, but you have to have a specific destination in mind. If you and your partner are ambivalent about the process or you disagree about what your goals should be, it can take longer to resolve those issues.

4. Individual Learning Styles

There is more to couples’ therapy than simply showing up to sessions and listening. You have to actively participate in discussions, answer questions, and perform tasks that your therapist in Palatine, IL gives you outside of sessions. If you are a passive learner, this can be a challenge. Therapy is likely to progress more quickly and efficiently if you take an active role.

Neither the timeframe or the results of therapy are guaranteed. However, couples who are willing to commit to the process often see results within a relatively short period of time. Contact an office for information or to make an appointment.

Thanks to Lotus Wellness Center for their insight into counseling and factors that determine the length of couples counseling.

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