The Benefits of Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy to Treat Knee Injuries

Knee pain resulting from an injury can impact nearly every aspect of a person’s life. The knee is a particularly fragile component to the body primarily due to its complex nature. It’s an area of the body that you may not give much thought to until you experience an injury. Although there are steps that can be taken to help prevent or mitigate knee injuries, sometimes, accidents happen. Knee injuries can leave patients feeling hopeless, especially for those who feel as though they have exhausted their available options. Regenerative stem cell therapy may be able to infuse hope back into a person as there has been great success, in addition to a number of benefits. 

Preventing a Knee Injury

Knee injuries are an all-too-common occurrence. Unfortunately, when the knee is under a tremendous amount of stress or strain, a knee injury may result. This is the last thing anyone wants to experience. There are a number of steps that may be taken in attempts to prevent a knee injury before it even occurs:

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Practice body awareness when participating in physical activity.
  • Be aware of certain exercises that may not be good for your knees.
  • Consider seeking a physical therapist if you are experiencing problems with your knee.
  • Gradually build up the level of difficulty and impact of your exercise.

Sometimes, despite best efforts, it’s possible to obtain a knee injury. As a result, you may suffer serious pain. Many may try a variety of treatments but to no avail. For those looking to avoid a more invasive treatment such as surgery, regenerative stem cell therapy may be the answer for you. 

Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy

The process of stem cell therapy uses the body’s own components to help encourage healing to the area that has been injured. Stem cells can help to regenerate damaged tissue and encourage healing. Generally, stem cells are drawn from the pelvic bone and the abdominal area. In addition, blood is drawn and processed through a centrifuge to create PRP. The procedure involves injecting stem cells into the affected area. Advantages to stem cell treatments can include:  

  • The recovery period following stem cell treatment is shorter.
  • The treatment is minimally invasive and requires very little down time.
  • There is a lowered risk of infection or complications.
  • Potential of reducing pain levels and healing the knee injury that was sustained.

The knee is a fragile and complicated part of the body. Because of the immense amount of strain and shock that it must withstand, the knee may be particularly vulnerable to injury.

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